Contractors & Construction Managers Since 1991.

Pratibha Erectors Limited
  • +91-9820115924 /
  • Plot No 11, Navi Mumbai, India400708
  • Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00Sunday Closed

H S E Plans

  • We have well-defined healthy; safety& environment plans formulated taking in to consideration the importance of health and safety of our workmen at their workplace. Our management policies ensure maximum efficiency of workmen and other players in the system while complying with the existing laws of the country.
  • The safety aspects outlined in the safety plans are observed strictly ensuring negligible violations. we as a company, value Health, Safety & Environment very highly and equal importance is given to them as other business objectives.
  • We seek the support and co-operation of all our workmen and other employees in implementation of the HSE plans and ensure highest degree of success. Adequate training is given to all the employees. Good housekeeping in our work place ingrained in our culture. The scraps and wates generated during the course of our operation are disposed of in scientific way ensuring least harm to the environment.